At ORBITS we believe that:

  • All machines should run like clockwork
  • Every asset should perform at 100% during its designed life span and even beyond.

Imagine a world in which this is true..  How much time and resources would be saved? What would be the impact on
our environment?

In the real world, we often see the opposite. We see machines failing, installations that underperform for some reason and assets that do not reach their intended lifespan, not even close. At the same time, the industry is facing increasing challenges to find the right technical profiles to deal with this.

The maintenance market is of course responding to this need and came up with “industry 4.0”.  More sensors, more data leading to more information, which is a wonderful evolution but challenging at the same time. You can ask yourself: Will more information in itself ever solve a real-world
machine problem? No! Only true INSIGHTS will lead to real world solutions. A true INSIGHT is an intelligent combination of

  • useful data  AND
  • multi disciplinary in-depth knowledge


  • with useful data from the field or the applicable procedures
  • we forge multi disciplinary in-dept knowledge in such a way that the real world and practical solutions, become self evident.


  • to make machines run like clockwork
  • to make sure that assets reach their intended lifespan
  • to make sure that your maintenance efforts really pay-off

At ORBITS – WE FORGE INSIGHTS – for the better.

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Who is MADI?

Who is MADI? MADI is not a person; it’s a buffet, perfectly aligned with your New Year’s resolutions.It’s a training buffet. MADI stands for Machinery

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