Training: Bearing Currents (English) August 28th, 2023 - Herentals

Bearing currents persistently flow through many of our invertor-fed machines, which can often lead to catastrophic failure. The literature is not always clear about the solution, and the problem itself is not always easy to understand. That’s why Orbits is offering a training in English on bearing currents on Monday the 28th of August. This training will provide a structured explanation of where bearing currents come from, and how we can avoid them by applying the right procedures. If you’re experiencing problems with bearing currents, you don’t want to miss this! We have already given this course 7 times in the past half year, reaching more then 100 industrial partners!


This training provides a comprehensive understanding of electric machines and variable frequency drives in function of the corresponding problems that are expected. Participants will delve into the origins of bearing currents and stray currents, with a practical and visual approach. The potential consequences and risks will be thoroughly examined. Next, the focus is on the detection and measurement of stray currents, emphasizing the use of practical tools. Attendees will explore possible solutions to address these issues. The training concludes with captivating case studies.

The course is designed specifically for maintenance technicians who frequently encounter bearing and stray currents, it aims to enhance their knowledge and prevent future failures. The instructor, equipped with a strong theoretical foundation, will provide clear practical interpretations based on experience, engaging experiments and numerous real-life cases.


08:00-08:30   Arrival with breakfast and coffee
08:30-10:30   S01 Electric machines and their control systems
10:30-10:45   Break
10:45-12:30   S02 Stray currents: causes, impact and solutions
12:30-13:30   Lunch Break
13:30-15:30   S03 Measuring and mapping stray currents
15:30-15:45   Break
15:45-17:00   S04 Case studies

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