Electrical Signature Analysis
ORBITS is able to assess the instantaneous electrical and mechanical condition of electric machines by capturing the electrical signals of that motor/generator. By transforming voltage and current signals, we use the machine as a proximity probe and torque sensor.
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Advanced vibration analysis
ORBITS is skilled in structural and rotational vibration analysis to thoroughly evaluate the condition of your machinery and its frame. Having the ISO 18436-2 Category IV expertise on-board, we troubleshoot into the deepest levels of your machinery.
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ORBITS uses Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA) and Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) to understand any drivetrain failure mode timelines. Consequently, we maximize the reliability of critical drivetrains by chosing the appropriate maintenance strategy or monitoring technology.
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Research & Development
As ORBITS is in essence a knowledge-based company, we invest significant efforts in research and development. By participating in academic research and supporting thesis projects, we facilitate the technology transfer between several universities and industries.
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Electrical Signature Analysis
ORBITS is able to assess the instantaneous electrical and mechanical condition of electric machines by capturing the electrical signals of that motor/generator. By transforming voltage and current signals, we use the machine as a proximity probe and torque sensor.
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Advanced vibration analysis
ORBITS is skilled in structural and rotational vibration analysis to thoroughly evaluate the condition of your machinery and its frame. Having the ISO 18436-2 Category IV expertise on-board, we troubleshoot into the deepest levels of your machinery.
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ORBITS uses Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA) and Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) to understand any drivetrain failure mode timelines. Consequently, we maximize the reliability of critical drivetrains by chosing the appropriate maintenance strategy or monitoring technology.
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Research & Development
As ORBITS is in essence a knowledge-based company, we invest significant efforts in research and development. By participating in academic research and supporting thesis projects, we facilitate the technology transfer between several universities and industries.
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Who is MADI?

Who is MADI? MADI is not a person; it’s a buffet, perfectly aligned with your New Year’s resolutions.It’s a training buffet. MADI stands for Machinery

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